Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Valedictory Speech by Literary Prefect Ms. Niusha Bhesania of the Outgoing Batch of 2019-20 'Ushta-Te: Happiness Unto you'

Valedictory Speech by Literary Prefect Ms. Niusha Bhesania

of the Outgoing Batch of 2019-20

'Ushta-Te: Happiness Unto you'

Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different?  And finally, the day has come!
Warm greetings to all the management members, mentors, parents, fellow mates and the graduating batch of 2019-20. We made it! Let's have a huge round of applause for all of us.
 As Charles Dickens said - "It was the best of the times and the worst of the times."
Do you remember the first day when we walked in this alma mater? Little striplings with eyes full of tears, crying and crying; missing our home, for who knew that day that it would become our second home. As fledglings, we found ourselves lost in the halls as if they were the changing staircase of Hogwarts. From wanting to become the duster-in-charge of the class to sleeping with books, from having silly fights in class to playing wrestling battles, from hiding behind friends when the teacher asked questions to have a constant excuse that ' Ma'am, I did the homework but forgot the book at home', we all know the truth behind it, right? From having planned absenteeism to taking unnecessary breaks for pee and water. And it's still a mystery why girls never go alone to the washroom. From having snacks on the last seat hiding from the teacher to playing pen fights so passionately as if it were an Olympic event. From cracking jokes at the backbenches to discussing philosophies of life. From the excitement of new books and uniforms each year to being great devotees of God, especially in the month of March. And from expertise in bargaining those 2 marks to paying the repercussions and consequences of PTMs later at home, let's admit, we've had it all.
But it isn't as simple as that, having one hand on the pen, the other on food; one ear on the lecture, the other on gossip; one eye on board, the other on *cough* *cough*. 
Who says a student's life is easy? We are indeed very busy. Our morning alarm being the exasperating moment, finding the other sock-like Dora out on exploration, the way to class - a dreadful journey, having the most relieving moment when our friend says "Yaar, mera bhi baaki hai..", the perplexing moment on having a surprise test and everyone in the class knowing the answer when actually just one knows it. And the best news of all time to get a free sports period which happens once in a blue moon. It goes without saying a big shout out to Ashish sir here.
It all just seems like yesterday, it all really escalated quickly and our phenomenal journey wouldn't have been possible without the support of few special people. I would like to thank some of those people now, please give a round of applause for each of them. Thank you to the faculty and the staff; from the teachers and the councilors and the observer and the principal and the management members , the committee to the volunteers and care takers; not forgetting the samosa wala uncle - for helping us graduate today. Thank you to my batch mates, parents and family for whatever you thought you did that was special. You are all genuinely very lovely people and I truly couldn't have had made it without you.  And with your love mommy - daddy, nobody can drag me down. Thank you to google, wikipedia and microsoft for copy paste for helping me get to the stage today.
Without teachers our life would have no class. I'm thankful to all my pre-primary and primary teachers for holding my hand and touching my heart. From A-B-C-D to 1-2-3-4 you created the foundation of our lives.
I'm grateful to all my middle school mentors for changing my life with just the right mixture of chalk and challenges. A special mention to Margret ma'am, Fatema ma'am and our walking encyclopedia - Marious sir.
A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge, and wisdom. My sincere gratitude to all my secondary and high school teachers - from Jigna ma'am and Movin sir, to Mala ma'am and Neetu ma'am and definately Kalpesh sir and Alpa ma'am. The list doesn't end here; a good teacher is a brilliant light, illuminating the prism of life, revealing to students a rainbow of endless possibilities. Thank you very very much Ashutosh sir for being such a great inspiration. Also, thank you very much Duraiya ma'am and Kamini ma'am for your kindness and faith throughout. And even though you haven't taught a subject to me I'm very thankful to you for teaching me life lessons Bhagvandas  sir i.e.,Bhavesh sir  and Dipesh sir. Thankful to all my activity teachers too. Thank you for being such a great support system Anne Marie ma'am, Sherry ma'am, Ila ma'am and Zubin sir. It goes without saying that since my childhood I truly adore you - Vallery ma'am and Yazdi sir.
Finally, a very special thanks to a very special person - thank you very very much Renuka ma'am for bringing out the best in me. I myself never knew that I could do so great in life. For the world you would be Renuka but for me you are my RenuMa, thank you for being the silver lining to all my clouds. I genuinely love and respect you.
Now at the end of our careers as students we have an opportunity, now's our time to take on the world and to find and pursue our passion. To code encode - to leave our legacy. Where ever you go walk with purpose like that is somewhere you have to be, walk with importance like you are someone people should already know and walk with pride because those are the people that others are going to follow. Be a voice, not an echo. Always give your best. Do not stress the could have's, if it should have it would have. Reach high for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep for every dream precedes the goal.
 Always stay positive. A boat does not sink because there’s water around it, it only sinks when the water gets inside it. Similarly, do not let the  negativity around you get inside you And as our school has instilled in us, always believe in the motto – “Humata, Hukhta, Huvarshta “i.e., “Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds.”
This is not the end of anything rather it's a new beginning for there is so much in this world.
There is so much in this world, yet there is so less.                                                         
So much to do yet just a few we could get.
So many things to tell yet so less we've said.
So many questions to ask yet just handful answers we've.
So many people in this world yet only a few to relay at.
So many emotions in our hearts yet just a few could be expressed.
And I'm still so young I don't know how the world is, is it good or is it bad?
At the end I wish you all the very best and ‘Ushta Te’ i.e., happiness unto you.
Thank you, lots of love.

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